Thursday 14th September


Morning Tea 1030-1045
Workshop 1 - Beyond the medical record: Reflective writing for health professionals
Speaker: Hilton Koppe
Chair: Nick Repin
As health practitioners we write stories every day. The medical record interprets patients’ stories with summarized responses but is very limited in assisting the practitioner to make sense of their own personal experience. Health professionals risk professional isolation, burnout, and compassion fatigue by not processing their personal responses to what is experienced at work.

This interactive skill-building workshop aims to help transform challenging patients into interesting people, and difficult situations into meaningful experiences. Participants will experience the use of reflective and expressive writing to help manage some of the more challenging aspects of their working lives, and to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a health practitioner.

Bring humility, a sense of curiosity, and a pen. Potentially leave with:
  • A tool for relieving, rather than re-living, life’s difficulties.
  • A tool for building compassion.
  • Re-ignition of a lost passion for creativity.
Workshop 2 - Clinical Trials 101
Speakers: Nick Zdenkowski, Dhanusha Sabanathan, Marcus Dreosti, Christobel Saunders and Jenny Gilchrist
Chair: Sanjeev Kumar
Talk 1- Trial types – phases/study structures, commercial vs. non-commercial, investigator-initiated, first in human and terminology.
Talk 2- Everything you need to know about Phase 1 trials- are they really for end-of-the-line patients?
Talk 3- Radiation oncology, surgical and supportive care studies.

Workshop 3 - Percutaneous Breast Biopsy/Resection and Digital Pathology: Where are we heading?
Speakers: Nisha Sharma, Anne Vincent-Salomon, Julie Margenthaler, Gelareh Farshid, Debra Ikeda (panelist)
Chair: Gelareh Farshid, Parisa Aminzadeh
Large volume vacuum assisted percutaneous biopsy and resection techniques are pushing the boundaries of breast lesion diagnosis and potentially offering alternative pathways for workup and even treatment of a subset of breast lesions.

At the same time innovations in digital pathology are beginning to push the boundaries of consultation, interpretation, and distribution of results. Digitised images of tissue can also access Image recognition algorithms, providing further assistance in some aspects of tissue diagnostics. There are significant challenges involved in the transition from the traditional glass slide model of pathology to a fully digital laboratory.

This workshop is focused on innovations in the diagnostic disciplines of radiology and pathology. The presentations and discussions are aimed at all those who request, perform and rely on the results of biopsy of breast lesions in this changing landscape in an attempt to explore the issues that are arising. What is a realistic near future? What constitutes safe practice? What are the pathologist and surgical views of adequate procedural endpoints for biopsy and treatment? Can digital pathology take us further?

There will be four formal presentations by Dr Nisha Sharma (Radiologist Leeds University, UK), Dr Anne Vincent-Salomon (Pathologist, Curie Institute, Paris), Dr Julie Margenthaler (Surgeon, Washington University, St Louis) and Dr Gelareh Farshid (Pathologist, South Australia) followed by a question and answer session and a panel discussion with Dr Debra Ikeda (Radiologist, Stanford University Medical Centre) and the speakers. 
1315-1615Workshop 4 - Personal leadership skills for an effective MDT
Speaker: Julie Lines
Chair: Minjae Lah, Maree Colosimo

The demand for high quality health care is rising globally. The evolving endeavour of ASBD is to support development of effective leadership in the breast multidisciplinary environment. ASBD Personal leadership skills for an effective MDT is a three-hour interactive program, offered to a limited number of clinicians attending this year’s conference. It is designed to explore and enhance your personal leadership skills and strategies for building positive team relationships. 

Julie Lines is a professional leadership coach who will facilitate this engaging workshop that will aim to cover:
  • Personal Leadership – considering "who you are" as a leader and how you want to be seen by others. We will look at how you lead when you are at your best and reflect on the impact you have on others when you are not at your best + strategies to manage your leadership shadow.
  • Building Better Relationships – building strong connections with others has so many benefits… you can even have a powerful impact when you interact with strangers. We will look at the skills leaders need to connect, influence, and get the best out of others.
Workshop 5 - Pathology 101
Speakers: Nirmala Pathmanathan, Gavin Harris
Chair: Sanjeev Kumar
Pathology 101 had been developed by the ASBD to provide professionals working with breast cancer patients a comprehensive understanding and overview of standard pathological assessment and emerging new technologies in the assessment of the breast pathology specimens. This workshop is an update on ASBD’s Pathology Fundamentals online learning modules.

The workshop is suitable for clinical professionals from any discipline who interact with breast cancer patients and their families and who may be required to interpret pathology reports and advise on testing available nationally.

Workshop 6 - The Cost of Survivorship. Troublesome toxicities in the limelight
Speakers: Jemma Gilchrist, Tiffany Foo
Chair: Jenny Gilchrist, Jennifer O’Sullivan
In 2023, 92% of patients are surviving at least 5 years post a diagnoses of breast cancer, however treatment often comes with toxicities. 

The treatment of breast cancer is multimodal and includes surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy and endocrine therapy. Whilst the management of acute treatment side effects has improved remarkably over the years, many curative intent treatments often also carry long term side effects, some which can be debilitating and lifelong. 

Register for this workshop to hear expert speakers examine some of the more troubling toxicities associated with breast cancer treatments including the psychological impact of a diagnosis of cancer, long term toxicities of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and management and prevention of physical complications post treatment such as lymphoedema, scar management and should immobility. 

0830-1300Applied Breast Ultrasound for Clinicians 
Practical Workshop - 8:30am Thursday 14th September 2023, Adelaide Convention Centre

The Applied Breast Ultrasound for Clinicians Course facilitated by Dr Daniel de Viana, Prof Ian Bennett, and Mr Michael Laws is designed for breast surgeons and other clinicians with limited prior experience in the use of ultrasound. The 2023 course is offered as online learning modules followed by a half-day practical workshop. Completion of the online theory modules is a prerequisite to attending the practical course. One registration covers the two components of this course. 

The Practical Workshop will include various workstations involving live scanning of patients and core, fine needle, and novel biopsy techniques on phantoms. It will be held in the morning so that conference delegates can attend and afternoon conference workshop if they wish. 

This educational activity will meet BreastSurgANZ requirements for trainees and will be submitted to RACS CPD Program. The course is accredited towards CCPU by the Australian Society for Ultrasound Medicine (ASUM).

NOTE: This course is independent of ASBD 13th SM conference registration and conference registration is not required to attend. Registration is via the ASBD website.   

More Information - click here

Conference Organiser

Impact Organisation ABN 45 094 598 339 
Address: Unit 24, Level 3, 2 Brandon Park Drive, Wheelers Hill  Victoria 3150 Australia
Phone: 1300 061 814 or +61 3 8657 4987 Email: