Invitation to attend a roundtable discussion 

of breast reconstruction practice in Australia

1:30pm – 5:30pm, Wednesday 9 October, 2019 at RACV Royal Pines Resort
(preceding the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Breast Disease). 

You are invited to participate in a roundtable discussion aimed at reaching agreement on the most feasible means of addressing unwarranted clinical variation in breast reconstruction in Australia. This event is being hosted by Breast & Surgical Oncology at The Poche Centre as an adjunct to the ASBD conference. The draft program and further information about the I-BREAST project, which identified a range of barriers to accessing BR, is provided here.

This roundtable event is the first in Australia to bring together all stakeholders concerned with the delivery of BR in women who have undergone mastectomy for breast cancer. It is expected to attract senior representatives from a range of clinical, consumer and health policy bodies.

This session will be open to registered colleagues attending the ASBD meeting. There is no additional charge to attend, but places are limited, and will be allocated to those who are first to reply. Please RSVP to  by Friday 20th September.

We hope to see you in October.

Dr Kathy Flitcroft, Chief Investigator, I-BREAST

Co-investigators: Professor Andrew Spillane, Associate Professor Meagan Brennan

For more information about the program please download this PDF

Conference Organiser

Impact Organisation ABN 45 094 598 339 
Address: Suite 22, 799 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia
Phone: 1300 989 134 or +61 3 9535 3600 Email: