
On behalf of the Organising Committee we invite you to be part of the Australasian Society for Breast Disease’s (ASBD) 12th Scientific Meeting to be held 10-12 October 2019 at the RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland.

The program reflects the true multidisciplinary nature of ASBD and it endeavours to provide a strong scientific program with multidisciplinary content for all disciplines involved in the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease, while providing opportunities for across discipline networking. The Organising Committee have secured several prominent international keynote speakers that will ensure a strong scientific program with lively interactions as we explore and discuss the diagnosis, treatment and management of breast cancer in the context of Precision, Innovation and the Future.

As each sponsorship opportunity is strictly limited, please contact us at your earliest opportunity with your interest to avoid disappointment. We look forward to having you involved and to welcoming you on the Gold Coast at the ASBD’s 12th Scientific Meeting.

A/Prof Elisabeth Elder
President, ASBD

Please click here to download a full copy of the Sponsorship Prospectus. 

Key Reasons to Sponsor & Exhibit 

  • Maximum exposure at a premier Conference dedicated to breast disease 
  • The opportunity to deliver a clear message about your commitment to the breast disease industry
  • Inform and update this niche sector about your products and services
  • Increase exposure to and sales and consumption of your products and services
  • Build brand awareness
  • Draw your target market to you in one place at one time 

Register your Sponsorship Package 

If you would like to register for a sponsorship package please complete the booking form at the bottom of the sponsorship prospectus or click here to be taken to the online sponsorship site. 

Conference Organiser

Impact Organisation ABN 45 094 598 339 
Address: Suite 22, 799 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia
Phone: 1300 989 134 or +61 3 9535 3600 Email: info@impactevents.com.au